Wednesday 6 October 2010

Trailer Planning - Cast

To choose our cast we will be working partly with and partly against the feminist theory. Budd Boetticher summarises the view: "What counts is what the heroine provokes, or rather what she represents. She is the one, or rather the love or fear she inspires in the hero, or else the concern he feels for her, who makes him act the way he does. In herself the woman has not the slightest importance." This is where our trailer goes against the feminist theory as our trailer infact has no male roles for our female characters to come second to. However we want our traile rto comply with part of the feminsit theory that being of Laura Mulvey she says "In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously looked at and displayed, with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact so that they can be said to connote to-be-looked-at-ness," This means that when choosing our cast we will be looking for the girls classic attractivness.

As a group we met today and discussed possible people we could feature in our trailer, we looked at the drama students who would be good for the acting roles, the parts with the dialogue. We also looked at the people who live close to our possible locations for shooting, and the people who would be comfortable working together, the image of the people isn't too important as we will choose there clothes and do there makeup how we want it in the trailer. This is our short list of cast and later as a group we will narrow them down even more to get our final cast members.

This is Annabel Roberts, we short listed Annabel because she is of the right age for the role and because we feel she would be confident enough to perform in front of the camera and the group of people we will be filming with.

This is Bethany Joyce, she has the glamourous, star quality look, and altough in this picture she is rather dressed up, for the trailer we will dress her in casual clothes and have her in more subtle make up. Beth is also part of our imediate friendship group and therefore we would easily be able to arrange times for shooting the trailer with her as we spend our time together anyway.

This is Eleanor Failes she like Beth has the star quality sort of look. Eleanor also does drama A2 therefore making her a good chocie to place in the trailer, if we do cast Eleanor (which is most likely) we would give her one of the main roles in the trailer. Eleanor is also part of the imediate group and she also lives close to our shooting location so would be able to get there easily.

This is Imogen Clapp she has a different overall look to the other girls however this isn't too much of a problem becasue we will be dressing and doing the make up for our cast, Imogen is also the right age for the role she would be cast in.

This is Katie Leask she is a confident person so we have no worries that she would feel unfomfortable acting in front of everybody, she is also of the right age and although we are taking care of the look of the cast she naturally has the right look for the role.

This is Elizabeth Hopkins she is also part of our imediate friend group and so she would be comfortable to act infront of us all, Elizabeth has the typical blonde teenage girl look very good for our type of film trailer.

This is Lucy Jane Smith she is also part of the imediate friend group and she is an A2 drama student therefore we would have no worries about her confidence infront of the camera. We would probably cast Lucy in one of the major roles in the trailer.

This is Samantha Caunt being part of the main friendship group she has alot of confidence around us and wouldnt have any problems acting inf ront of the group. Samantha also has a good look for the trailer, personally i can imagine her in the film that we are shooting a trailer for, Samantha also lives close to the shooting locations.

This Georgie Lewis she is a very loud and enthusiastic person making her a good choice for a role in our trailer as she will not get embarrassed. Georgie also lives close to our chosen locations and so will be easy to access when needed. Georgie has a different look to the other girls with short hair, giving a needed asthetic variation in the cast.

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